Saturday, December 24, 2005

Christmas Eve Beauty

(my five kids )

I woke up this morning feeling so completely blessed.
My warm cozy husband snuggled into my back, I could hear my kids awake and getting breakfast, and I remembered today is the day before Christmas. But rather than get panicked with things to do, I cozied into my husbands arms and closed my eyes and smiled into a snooze.

Don't get me wrong we had stuff to do today, church singing, last minute present wrapping, Christmas eve services ( 3 to be exact), dinner, etc etc, but no crazy rushing. We watched football, made fudge, cleaned the house and hung out together as a family. It was great!
But it started out with sleeping in and not giving in to the craziness of the season.
If Jesus can teach us one thing this Christmas I hope that it is Beauty.
Teach us the Beauty of selfless giving.
Teach us the Beauty of celebrating.
Teach us the Beauty of receiving from others.
Teach us the Beauty of taking the time to be aware of the wonders around us.

I woke up with beauty in my heart, and I wish it for everyone.
Merry Christmas!

Thursday, December 22, 2005

3 more sleeps

I love Christmas time.
It always seems to go so fast,
EVEN though I start decorating the house in November and listening to Christmas carols the day after Halloween, it STILL flies by.

I am wrapping presents tonight after the kids go to bed, having a holiday drink and listening to carols. I'm looking forward to a peaceful night during a time when most people are feeling rushed and wiped out. I pray that anyone who reads this takes a moment to really LOVE the season and bless themselves with a peaceful moment.

May God bless you and fill you with good news.

Monday, December 12, 2005

how to avoid Christmas season Headaches

These are my four boys on the first day of snow fall. (my daughter was inside helping me make hot chocolate)

When the Christmas season approaches my husband and I start getting alot of questions. People seem very curious as to how with 5 kids we keep our sanity over the holiday season.

November 27th 2005, was the start of advent. We light candles- the first week Hope, the 2nd Peace, 3rd Joy, 4th Love and on Christmas eve we light the Christ candle. Doing advent is a very sobering reminder of what the holidays is all about. We light the candle(s) read a passage from the bible or a short Christmas story, a poem, or quiz the kids about the Christmas story. We tell the legend of Santa Claus and various other stories of generosity. My husband and I share stories of our childhood Christmases or we make plans to go caroling or help at a homeless shelter. Then each one of us picks a Christmas carol either traditional or modern, youngest to oldest and we sing them all. At the end the kids take turns blowing out the candle(s).

This is a grounding tradition in our household. It teaches our children about family quality time, about giving and loving. It reinforces the true meaning of Christmas, a beautiful story about the quiet arrival of a very special baby.

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

i have a boo-boo

I had surgery 2 days ago...
on my thumb.
I crushed it in the summer time playing ball. The doctors thought it would be good to wait and see how it would heal on its own, splinted of course.
I did not think that was such a good idea because it hurt like a S.O.B. but I listened and was patient.
In time my thumb grew 'new bone' which as my doctor would point out is "unusual". I prefer to think of it as miraculous :o)
Then time passed and my thumb did not heal back to it's full mobility and the doctors decided it was time for surgery.
I was excited because it meant that my thumb would finally be better...
now I'm not so excited.
I feel like crap.
The surgery was a bit over and hour, recovery for a day and then back home.
I had an allergic reaction to my pain meds and have felt like crapola ever since.
The shining spot my husband was Fantastic, taking care of me, holding my hair back, and letting me fall asleep on his warm chest. My kids have been helpful and sensitive, I feel very well taken care of. (which is hard for me to do.... let people take care of me I mean)
So my husband and I are all good, which is all I really wanted to say. I feel very blessed to be with him.

Saturday, November 26, 2005

get in the holiday mood...

just a little recipe to pass on for the holiday season
you can make it and keep it in a large jar in your fridge
when guests come over you just heat it up and serve


1 Litre - cranberry juice
1 Litre - apple cider ( or juice- pure unsweetened )
1/4 - 1/2 cup brown sugar ( you decide )
2 cinnamon sticks , broken
1 & 1/2 tsp allspice
1/2 tsp cloves (whole is best)

Combine all ingredients in a large pot, simmer 15-20 minutes; strain.
Serve hot and garnish with fresh thin sliced lemon.
Makes 16- 18 cups.

ice cream sandwiches

It is November... cold weather... howling winds.... snow in some parts of the country, the season for slurpees and ice cream is over....

As the weather has gotten cooler and cooler, I've turned towards hot chocolates, apple pie, cobblers and hot tea as my after dinner treats.... completely forgetting all about the treats of summer.

Sometimes when you don't have or do something for a long time the memory of it fades, you remember liking it or not, but not really much else......

After months of seasonal (warm) desserts I had an icecream sandwich tonight and OMG it was soooo good! It was like eating a turkey in july!
You gotta do it, it makes your tastebuds sing like a heavenly choir!
...really whoever reads this go out as soon as you can and get something that you only really eat at another time of year , it truly is delightful.

Oh ice cream I will never forsake you again

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

absence makes the heart grow...?

My husband and I have a well developed, mature, completely loving relationship.
We've had our ups and downs....
our disagreements...
our heart breaks...
and forgivenesses.

This year we celebrated number 10, and decided we are one of those 'sickening' couples that really likes eachother even loves eachother PUBLICALLY. We call eachother 4 or more times a day and say 'I love you' on the phone no matter who can overhear, we are touchy-feely, we flirt with eachother, we play with eachother's hair, .... basically we mutually love all over eachother.
Everytime we are apart, we both ache and miss eachother so we do our best to stay connected, phoning and emailing. ( mostly he phones me :)

Over the years my husband has worked night shifts, ( I HATED those, cried every time) and has gone away for various training seminars. (I've had WAY fewer trips or overnighters, so he hasn't experienced being home alone very often.) And they were always painful for both of us, me probably more than him, but him more than the average guy. Except for this time. He left today for a two day seminar and he didn't seem to care that he was going away. I mean he appeared sad, but didn't have his usual "ache" about him, he almost seemed (dare I say) happy to go. So I'm curious.... what has changed? Most people would say that people need to take breaks from eachother, especially married people, but neither one of us has done that before , why now? If this were one of my friends I would be quietly wondering about infidelity, and believe me it's already crossed my mind, but I think that is too easy to jump to. What if it's something deeper? It's so out of the blue.....
Anyways, it could be nothing, maybe I'm just tired and sad and missing him...... but I just keep playing the last hour he was home , even the whole day, and all the conversations over and over in my mind, and something doesn't sit well.
I don't know what to do........
Everything has it's season, I suppose we've moved or are moving into a new one....

Monday, November 14, 2005

bless the artists

Prayer For Artists
Attributed To: Rev. Karl Ryland

We praise Thee for all those, Thy servants, who have given their life in the service of the true, the pure, and the lovely; for all who work in music, word and color to increase the joy of life; for all who rejoice in their work and make things well. May life perpetual shine upon them.
Once more a new day lies before us, Father. As we go out among men to do our work, touching the hands and lives of our neighbors, make us, we pray Thee, friends of all the world. Save us from blighting the fresh flower of any heart by the flare of the sudden anger or secret hate. May we not bruise the rightful self-respect of any by contempt or malice. Help us to cheer the suffering by our sympathy, to freshen the drooping by our hopefulness, and to strengthen in all the wholesome sense of worth and the joy of life. Save us from the deadly poison of class pride. Grant that we may look all men in the face with the eyes of a brother. If anyone needs us, make us ready to yield our help ungrudgingly, unless higher duties claim us, and may we rejoice that we have it in us to be helpful to our fellow men.
Almighty God unto Whom all hearts are open, all desires known, and from Whom no secrets are hid, cleanse the thoughts of our hearts with the inspiration of Thy Holy Spirit, that we may perfectly love Thee, and magnify Thy Holy Name.

Friday, November 11, 2005

gone but not forgotten

Remembrance Day, Veterans Day, Armistice Day, around the world millions of people are stopping to remember. Remember not only those who sacrificed their lives and limbs in combat, but also those who lost a loved one, those who got sick and suffered in service to their country, those who were victims of cruelty and those who still have nightmares....
Today we prayed for peace, for a safe return of those who are around the world doing peace keeping missions, defending nations, and combating terror. We asked for a blessing for those families that have suffered and are suffering, and for wisdom for our leaders around the globe.

My grandfather served in the Canadian Army during WWII. He spent most of his days in a sherman tank (pictured above). The tank battalion he served in took part in battles in Italy and were directly involved in the overthrow of Mussolini in 1943. My grandfather's tank was blown up and in the process my grandpa lost his elbow. As a kid a I remember being completely fascinated with all his scars on his body. CHUNKS of flesh missing as a result of shrapnel embedding itself in his body, I can't imagine the pain, of both the wounds and the recovery. When I looked into his eyes I always saw both sorrow and fear. Survivors guilt was usually present, something he could never shake, not even a fifth of scotch and a six pack of beer every day could take it away. Most of the time he didn't believe that people actually valued his sacrifice, and the sacrifice of the others he saw die around him. When there was only a beer left he would angrily lament, and hammer into us kids how important WWII was in history. He was a patriot, a voter, a serviceman, and he believed that he was a direct provider of freedom.
My dad was his only son, and us four kids his only grandkids. Truly the only time I ever saw joy in his face was when he was joking around with us kids. I think in those moments HE himself valued his sacrifice and the sacrifice of those he knew.
My grandpa died of heart complications. The day we saw him in the morgue, my dad opened my grandpas eyes, to "see" him one last time. I remember being struck with how green and hazel'y they were. How bright the color was. How the anger was gone and was replaced with rest. Finally.
Lest we forget.........

Sunday, November 06, 2005

not much

I noticed that I haven't been on my blog for a couple of days....
too busy? I suppose....
the truth is I don't have much to write about.
I keep thinking that it should be something I really want to share or vent or something that has greater purpose....
I am starting to realize this whole blog site thing isn't for other people but really just for yourself, your sanity perhaps.
I recovered from Halloween, lots of work, a retreat- packing all the kids and unpacking, catching up on laundry, dealing with money issues or rather lack of money issues, 2 family birthdays, and an appointment with a specialist about my broken thumb. ( I broke it in July, shattered it actually) ALL with only one vehicle 'cause ones in the shop. I'm not actually whining, just sighing . Glad this week is over and a new fresh one is beginning.
Last night I went to bed breathing deeply and sighing with relief. I love my cozy warm bed, being beside my warm loving husband, ......
atleast no matter how exhausting my day or week or month may be, I have love to look forward to at the end of the day.

Monday, October 31, 2005

halloween and the church

so I've been thinking about this alot.
I go to church every sunday with all my kids, and the last couple of weeks I hear parents and kids arguing about whether or not they should go trick or treating.
I mean come on folks.... its not like they are asking to drink some chicken blood.
They just want some candy! they want to play dressup! they want to have some fun! people in the church get soo weirded out by this holiday.... as if their kid is going to start drawing pentagrams on the arm if they dress up like a pirate for free candy.

People get so uptight about things that really have no real influence on anything.
Be honest with your kids.
I tell mine,
we are not "celebrating" witches or ghosts or evil.
we are getting some freeeeeeeeeeee candy :o)

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

I'm so hooked!


Do you know how it feels to have something controlling your life?

I'm not talking cigarettes or alcohol, or gambling or drugs....

its worse..

I don't need ID, or a dealer, or $1000's of dollars,......

just cable.

Fox Tv's new show Prison Break is RIVETING! I LOVE IT!!


It doesn't help that my husband is an Officer at a jail so prison culture is really interesting to me. But they had to make the stars of the show ( in the immortal words of Zoolander) "reeeallly, reeeally, reeeally good-looking." And they're doing a great job of making themselves likeable, honorable and charming, which (as my hubby can vouch for) is incredibly hard in a prison setting.

With twists and turns, modern "villains", and Government plots, you can understand why NO ONE can phone, visit or talk to me on Monday nights from 9 p (PST), to 10 p.

If you haven't seen it already, YOU GOTTA!!!!!

With action keeping you at the edge of your seat like (another Fox show) 24, camaraderie like Band of Brothers, and intelligent plot development like West Wing, you can't be disappointed watching this show.

I find myself thinking about them ( as if they are real) throughout the day. (It's sick really.) BUT it's such a good show. If the show can do this to me, it can do it to you. I don't really know the value in watching a tv show that makes you feel like an addict, but it sure is fun!!

Friday, October 21, 2005

yes Master.....

OH ya, isn't he mister coooool!
actually this pic was taken a couple of weeks ago down in Miami (and he was shaking the sea water off of him as I snapped it. )
This is my husband! And today he GRADUATED with his Masters Degree in Leadership Studies from Royal Roads University.
I am SOOOOOO proud.

We went to Florida with all 5 kids to celebrate him finishing his Masters. It was an AWESOME trip.
Seems a little extravagant I know. But we had to do something HUGE to commemorate his accomplishment. I mean he completed his Master of Arts in 2 years while maintaining a healthy marriage, relationship with his children, friends, family obligations, various volunteer positions, AND a full time job. (phew)
He did such a great job. :o) He got great marks for all of his assignments, and has done 2 presentations for the provincial government.
ok, ok, so I'm singing his praises..... but wouldn't you??
What a man. What a blessing. (how well he did AND that he is done ;)
Congratulations Honey!!!!

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

What day it is and time it is?

As I've said already I have five kids. I have one particular kid who several times a day asks me "what day it is and what time it is?" ( he's 4)

And I always ask him WHY he wants to know...... he often tells me that it helps him keep track of his day. KEEP TRACK OF HIS DAY??? He is FOUR!

I don't even remember 4, other than a boy in preschool taught me how to pretend to eat my food by chewing on my tongue, and actually put the food in a plant behind us. And if you blew on your arm you could make fart noises.... keep track of my day? I never knew what day of the week it was!

So now I have kids who have 'agendas' and watches, with scheduled playdates, and due dates for things. They ARE trying to keep track of their day, their week, their month. What have we done to them? In an effort to get ourselves more organized and efficient we've scheduled our kids in... "got a soccer game little Johnny?, let me just pencil that in for 6 o'clock. Better yet, let me just check with my secretary."

OMG what happened to the days when kids would ride their bikes and 'end up' at a park, or 'call on' their friends, " Can Susie come out and play?"

What happened to hide and go seek in the dark after supper? or playing army in the back yard?

Us parents blame stuff on TV and playstations, but really we're the ones to blame. When was the last time YOU played Hide and Go Seek with your kids? When was the last time you pulled your self away from your PC or laptop to go kick around a soccer ball?

Everything is "later" or "in a minute", or "how about tomorrow?" If we don't have a bit of spontaneity in our lives how can we expect our kids to????

I'm not saying throw away your Dayplanner or your Blackberry, I'm just saying take some time to do away with time.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Virgin Blogger

Interesting that for months now I've been completely intimidated by blogging, by bloggers, by blogs...
the word 'blog' sounds like something so definite to me. Maybe too vulnerable.

Well I just spent a morning reading some friends blogs, and thought,
I journal, why not blog?
I'm serious I NEED to journal otherwise my brain would EXPLODE. It is constantly racing. The only time it slows down is when it is on my husband's chest, or I've had too much wine, or watched a dumb movie, or any combination of those.
I'm hoping that blogging will curb my communication needs and I won't talk too much anymore. HA!

I don't know what you'll find on this site, I just hope that sometimes it will make you think, make you smile, maybe even make you go hug someone you love.

This blogging isn't so intimidating after all.......